Calling the Nighthawk...

Who´s to blame, when people are so blinded by their minds that they can´t see the truth or even accept it when it´s given to them.
Or like we say in swedish, They can´t see the forest because of all the trees in the way....
Life isn´t easy for anyone. But the difference is how we make the choices, and how we choose to live.
Sometimes I would like to tell the thruth of my life, to let people know my pain.
But it´s so much, some of it is of course my fault, but not all.
Or is it my fault that they all left? Am I that horrible as a person? Didn´t I do anything right?
I know my side of the story, but in their eyes they are angels and I´m the devil.
If they let themself see and remember that things that I have seen, done and given them they would see it like me. But you cant force people to open their eyes if they don´t wanna open them.
They must wanna do it for themself, to see their own faults and mistakes.
Stop being to proud to accept that we all have our faults.
I live with my daily pain, it´s hard but I live with it. I don´t have any other choice or otherwise it would eat me alive, it would burn me to my flesh, it would push me down the hill, it would cut me to small pieces.
Life gives you lessions all the time, I have learned that the hard way. I gave my best, they didn´t...
Are you so much happier?....
I don´t think so...

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